Friday, May 20, 2011

Orphanage Visit

We met the kids!! It could not have gone better. We visited the orphanage with 2 other couples. We recognized our kids immediately. The girl is gorgeous with an infectious smile and gentle demeanor. I love her. We played frisbee and soccer for a long time. She also enjoyed the silly bands we gave her and loved to color.
The boy is a handful. He's a bit of a rebel and aggressive (I kinda liked it). He's a good little guy who will be very fun to raise. I foresee that he and Bec, however, will have some battles. But both will be the better for it I'm sure.

It was a bit heartbreaking to play and interact with the other children who don't have referrals yet. They are loving kids. We pray that they will get referrals soon.

We're having dinner at the guest house tonight and will be going back to the orphanage tomorrow morning.


  1. That's awesome!!...but does that mean you're introducing soccer into the Cumings household? I thought that was forbidden. You'll be a futbol fan before you know it! And the kids could qualify to play in the World Cup for two different nations!

  2. I just keep reading this post over and over again. So happy that the initial visit went well! Praying for you guys! So happy for you :)
    ~ Heather Cobb

  3. Troy,

    Welcome to the bhbc group who have seen those we left behind. Letme share a story. One of our friend family that have adopted from sosnovo russia told us a story. when they were there on thier last trip a little boy kept asking the driver andrey the same thing. They finally asked what the boy was asking "when are my moma and papa coming for me?". they asked if someone was coming and andrey said no. We all have seen,and still see the photos of those we did not bring home. It still hurts to think of those who have no mama.

    I have decided what i can do is pray for those who are bringing kids home. So keep posting. Let us keep praying for you.

    In our second adoption get sam i concluded the best thing i did was let many bhbc people know waht to pray for. i could tell the difference.

    soo keep teling what is up,and we will keep praying.

    John Layton
